Sunday, March 30, 2014

Y-Business bankruptcy?   The area of business bankruptcy is extremely specialized.  The bankruptcy code is so complex that a business bankruptcy filing is not to be undertaken lightly. Under the right circumstances, a business can completely turn around, being limited only by the creativity of the people involved. Even if a bankruptcy filing isn’t the right course of action for a particular business, the same bankruptcy concepts and knowledge can be used to assist a troubled business in moving forward in a positive direction.

         Why do I enjoy assisting businesses? From a bankruptcy lawyer’s perspective, one of the best parts of assisting businesses is working with the skilled, smart and dynamic personalities of the at-times successful ventures. I have met so many amazing entrepreneurs over the years. Another positive aspect is learning about various types of thriving businesses where formerly I had no familiarity. Where else can mere lawyers get to deal with asbestos mass torts, railroad switchyards, construction businesses, truckers, loggers and manufacturers who deal with almost every raw material imaginable? It is important to become somewhat familiar with the processes so that you are better able to understand the options for the business. 

        While consumer bankruptcy practice is extremely rewarding, especially in light of the true relief that we can assist individuals in achieving, business bankruptcy adds another layer of intellectual stimulation you can’t always get from the more routine consumer cases. Even after countless years in the field of bankruptcy, a business case can involve a section of the bankruptcy code that we’ve either never encountered or never really utilized fully. During those more complex cases, we small-town Vermont lawyers get to interact with and work with some of the most skilled bankruptcy legal minds in the country. With all that creative thinking, the possibilities are endless!